Water Heater Repair

Water Heater System Repair in Naples, FL

Welcome to R Acres Plumbing Co. Inc, your go-to plumbing company in Naples, FL. We have over 50 years of experience in providing top-notch plumbing services to residential and commercial clients. We take pride in our highly trained plumbers who are dedicated to delivering exceptional services while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

How Can We Help With Water Heaters?

One of our areas of expertise is water heater system repair. A broken or malfunctioning water heater can disrupt your daily routine and cause inconvenience to you and your family.

Some common signs that your water heater needs repair include:

  • No hot water: This is the most obvious sign that something is wrong with your water heater. If you're not getting any hot water or if the water isn't as hot as it used to be, there could be an issue with your water heater.
  • Rusty or discolored water: If the hot water coming out of your tap has a rusty or brownish tinge to it, this could be a sign that your water heater is rusting and needs repair.
  • Strange noises: If you hear popping, banging, or other unusual noises coming from your water heater, this could indicate sediment buildup or other issues that need to be addressed.
  • Leaks: Any visible leaks around your water heater should not be ignored, as they can lead to bigger problems if left untreated.

If you notice any of these signs, contact a professional plumber right away. At R Acres Plumbing Co. Inc, our skilled plumbers have the knowledge and expertise to diagnose and repair any issues with your water heater system efficiently and effectively.

Our water heater repair services include the following:

  • Fixing leaks and replacing damaged components
  • Cleaning out sediment buildup in the tank
  • Repairing or replacing faulty heating elements or thermostats
  • Flushing and draining the tank to remove any impurities

Under Water Heaters

  • Why would I need to replace my water heater?

    Water heaters typically need replacement due to age, corrosion, leaks, or inefficiency. Signs such as rusty water, strange noises, or insufficient hot water can indicate the need for replacement.

  • How often should I replace my water heater?

    The lifespan of a water heater varies depending on factors like the type of heater, water quality, and maintenance. On average, traditional tank water heaters last around 8-10 years.

  • What types of water heaters are available for replacement?

    Common options include traditional tank water heaters (gas or electric), tankless water heaters (gas or electric), and heat pump water heaters. Each type has its own advantages and considerations.

  • How do I choose the right size water heater for my home?

    Consider factors such as the number of people in your household, peak water usage times, and space available for installation. Your plumber can help you calculate the appropriate size based on your needs.

  • Can I replace my water heater myself, or do I need a professional plumber?

    While some homeowners may have the skills to replace a water heater themselves, it's generally recommended to hire a professional plumber for safe and proper installation. A plumber can ensure the new heater is correctly sized, connected, and compliant with local codes.

  • How long does it take to replace a water heater?

    The duration of a water heater replacement depends on factors such as the type of heater, accessibility, and any necessary modifications. On average, a straightforward replacement can be completed in a few hours to a full day.

  • What should I do to prepare for a water heater replacement?

    Clear the area around the existing water heater, remove any obstacles or clutter, and shut off the water and gas or electricity supply to the heater. Drain the tank if possible and communicate any specific concerns or preferences with us.

  • How much does it cost to replace a water heater?

    The cost of a water heater replacement varies depending on factors such as the type and size of the heater.

  • Are there any maintenance tips for prolonging the life of my new water heater?

    Regular maintenance such as flushing the tank, checking the anode rod, and monitoring for leaks can help extend the lifespan of your water heater. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations and consider scheduling annual maintenance with us.

  • What warranties are available for new water heaters?

    Most water heaters come with manufacturer warranties that cover defects or malfunctions for a certain period. Additionally, we  offer a warranty on our workmanship. Review the warranty terms carefully and keep records of your purchase and installation for future reference.

Tankless Water Heaters

  • What is a tankless water heater?

    A tankless water heater, also known as an on-demand or instantaneous water heater, heats water only when it's needed, without the use of a storage tank. It provides hot water on demand, typically using a heat exchanger and a high-powered burner or electric heating elements.

  • What are the advantages of tankless water heaters?

    Tankless water heaters offer several advantages over traditional tank water heaters, including energy efficiency, unlimited hot water supply, space-saving design, longer lifespan, and reduced risk of water damage from leaks or ruptures.

  • How does a tankless water heater work?

    When a hot water tap is turned-on, cold-water flows through the tankless heater's heat exchanger, where it is rapidly heated by a gas burner or electric heating elements. The heated water is then delivered to the faucet or appliance, providing hot water.

  • Are tankless water heaters more energy-efficient than traditional tank water heaters?

    Yes, tankless water heaters are generally more energy-efficient because they only heat water when it's needed, eliminating standby heat loss associated with traditional tank heaters. This can result in significant energy savings over time, especially in homes with low to moderate hot water usage.

  • Can a tankless water heater supply hot water to multiple fixtures simultaneously?

    Yes, depending on the size and capacity of the tankless water heater, it can supply hot water to multiple fixtures simultaneously. Larger units with higher flow rates are capable of meeting the hot water demands of an entire household.

  • Are tankless water heaters suitable for all homes?

    Tankless water heaters are suitable for most homes, but certain factors should be considered, including hot water demand, fuel type (gas or electric), installation space, and upfront cost. Consult with a plumber to determine if a tankless water heater is the right choice for your home.

  • What maintenance is required for a tankless water heater?

    Regular maintenance is recommended to ensure optimal performance and longevity of a tankless water heater. This may include periodic descaling to remove mineral buildup, checking for leaks, and inspecting the burner or heating elements. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations and consult with a professional for maintenance services.

  • Can I install a tankless water heater myself?

    While some homeowners may have the skills to install a tankless water heater themselves, it's generally recommended to hire a professional plumber or HVAC contractor for safe and proper installation. Improper installation can lead to performance issues, safety hazards, and voided warranties.

  • How much does a tankless water heater cost?

    The cost of a tankless water heater varies depending on factors such as size, capacity, fuel type, brand, and installation complexity. Generally, tankless water heaters have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional tank water heaters, but they offer long-term energy savings and other benefits.

Re-piping Water Lines

  • What is re-piping?

    Re-piping involves replacing the existing water supply lines in a building with new pipes. This is typically done to address issues such as leaks, corrosion, low water pressure, or to upgrade to more modern plumbing materials.

  • Why would I need to re-pipe my water lines?

    There are several reasons why you might need to re-pipe your water lines, including old or deteriorating pipes, frequent leaks, low water pressure, discolored water, or to upgrade to more durable and efficient materials.

  • What materials are used for re-piping water lines?

    Common materials used for re-piping water lines include copper, PEX (cross-linked polyethylene), and CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride). Each material has its own advantages and considerations, so it's important to choose the right material for your specific needs and budget.

  • How long does a re-pipe project take?

    The duration of a re-pipe project depends on factors such as the size of the building, the complexity of the plumbing system, and the type of materials being used. In general, re-piping a single-family home can take anywhere from a few days to a week to complete.

  • How much does it cost to re-pipe water lines?

    The cost of re-piping water lines varies depending on factors such as the size of the building, the extent of the re-piping project, the materials used, and labor costs in your area. It's best to get quotes from multiple plumbers to compare costs and ensure a fair price.

  • Will I need to leave my home during the re-piping process?

    In most cases, you will not need to leave your home during the re-piping process. However, there may be some disruption to your water service while the old pipes are being removed and the new pipes are being installed. Your plumber will work to minimize inconvenience and ensure that you have access to water during the project.

  • How long will the new pipes last?

    The lifespan of the new pipes installed during a re-pipe project depends on factors such as the type of material used, water quality, and installation practices.

  • Will re-piping my water lines improve water pressure?

    In many cases, re-piping water lines can improve water pressure, especially if the old pipes were corroded or clogged. However, other factors such as the size of the water main and the plumbing layout also play a role in determining water pressure.

  • Do I need a permit for a re-pipe project?

    Yes, a permit is required for re-piping water lines. We can help you obtain the necessary permits and ensure that the re-pipe project complies with local building codes and regulations.

  • How do I choose a plumber for my re-pipe project?

    When choosing a plumber for your re-pipe project, it's important to look for a licensed and experienced professional with a good reputation. Ask for recommendations from friends or family, read reviews online, and request quotes from multiple plumbers to find the best fit for your needs.


Trust the experts at R Acres Plumbing Co. Inc to provide prompt and reliable water heater repair services in Naples, FL. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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